Article 117

1. Justice emanates from the people and is administered in the name of the King by Judges and Magistrates who are members of the judicial power and are independent, irremovable, responsible, and subject only to the rule of the law.

2. The Judges and Magistrates cannot be separated, suspended, transferred, or retired except for causes and with the guarantees provided for in the law.

3. The exercise of jurisdictional power in any type of processes passing judgments and having judgments executed belongs exclusively to the Courts and Tribunals as determined by the laws, according to the norms on the competence and procedure which they establish.

4. The Courts and Tribunals shall not exercise any functions other than those set forth in the previous paragraph and those expressly attributed to them by law to guarantee any right.

5. The principle of jurisdictional unity is the basis of the organization and operation of the Tribunals. The law shall regulate the exercise of the military jurisdiction within a strictly military framework and in the event of a state of siege, in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

6. Exceptional Tribunals are prohibited.