General information

Access to the judicial profession is regulated by articles 301 et seq of Judicial Power Organization Act 6/1985 of 1 July, and is based on the principles of merit and ability for the exercise of judicial functions. The selection process guarantees, in an objective and transparent manner, equality of access for all citizens that meet the necessary conditions, possess the necessary abilities, and have the required professional competence and aptitude for exercising judicial functions.

Entry is possible through any of the three levels that make up the judicial profession, to wit:

  • Supreme Court Magistrate
  • Magistrate
  • Judge

Entry into the Magistrate level occurs after passing an open competition involving highly qualified jurists with more than ten years of professional experience, in addition to a training course in the Judicial School. This mode of entry provides one of every four vacant places in the category.

Lastly, renowned jurists who, having met the established requirements, possess sufficient merit, according to the General Council of the Judiciary, and have carried out their professional activity for fifteen years or more are admitted as Supreme Court Magistrates. This mode of entry provides one of every five positions in the category.