Judicial Career Equality Plan

The Commission for Equality was created by Organic Law 3/2007, of 22nd of March, for the effective equality of women and men, with the essential aim of assessing the Plenary about the necessary or convenient measures in order to integrate actively the principle of equality between women and men in the exercise of the attributions of the General Council of the Judiciary, as well as to elaborate the previous reports about genre impact of the regulations and to improve the parameters of equality in the Judicial Career.

In this area we find the summary of the activity of the Commission, of its Agreements and decisions, as well as those adopted by other organs of the Council thanks to the aspiration of transversality of the activity of the Commission.

We can also find the reports of genre impact to the statutory activity of the Council.

We will find permanent up-to-date statistics of participation of women and men in the judicial career: in issues such as access, appointments, formation...

Finally, there is a space for issues related with the conciliation of the familiar-personal life and the professional one, so important for the effective equality between women and men.