Technical Office of the Supreme Court

The Technical Office of the Supreme Court was created by Royal Decree 489/1985 of 2 April, and is under the direct authority of the President of the Supreme Court or the Vice-President of the Supreme Court, if delegated by the President.

Organic Law 7/2015 of 21 July, amending Organic Law 6/1985 of 1 July on the Judiciary, introduces new, very detailed regulations for the Technical Office of the Supreme Court (Articles 61 bis to 61 sexies LOPJ), as a support body for the Office of the President and the various Chambers for admission procedures and drafting reports and studies.


The directorate of the Technical Office is formed by its director and it is assigned a Judicial Administration Clerk, each of them assisted by a personal secretary.

Jurisdictional area 

In addition to the director, the Technical Office is formed by members of the Judiciary and other jurists, who are afforded the title of Technical Office Officials.

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for determining the composition and staff of the Technical Office, after receiving the opinion of the Governing Chamber, a report from the General Council of the Judiciary and a favourable report from the Ministry of the Treasury and Public Administrations.

Area of responsibility

The Technical Office also includes a number of practical departments that participate in performing the support roles attributed to them, contributing, in addition, to the proper overall operation of the Supreme Court. They are the following departments: