How does the HCJ La Rioja work?

The high court includes all jurisdictions: civil, criminal, labour and contentious administrative. It settles matters that enter its courtrooms as a court of last instance or second instance, that is, resolution of appeals. The four jurisdictions are organized in three courts. Each court has a president. The three presidents, along with the president of the provincial court and Government Secretariat, form, as ex officio members, part of its governmental organ, called the government court. Some of the judgments of these three courts can be appealed in the Supreme Court.  

Three chambers…

  • Civil and Criminal Court
  • Contentious Administrative Court
  • Labour Court

… and a government organ

  • Government Court

Civil and Criminal Court

The president of the High Court of La Rioja presides over the civil and criminal court. The president is joined in the court by two other magistrates, one of whom is proposed by the Parliament of La Rioja and appointed by the General Council of the Judiciary. The court is of extreme importance due to the fact that is has jurisdictional authority for investigating and passing judgment on privileged autonomous individuals. It also hears cases brought against judges, magistrates and members of the Attorney General’s office for crimes and misdemeanours committed in the performance of their duties. Moreover, it hears appeals filed against the judgments pronounced in jury proceedings. As this court hears few cases, two of the magistrates that serve on it are assigned to the two other courts, the contentious administrative court and labour court.  

Contentious Administrative Court

The contentious administrative court seeks to resolve conflicts citizens and corporate persons have with autonomous and local administrations. It determines whether the acts of the aforesaid administrations conform to the law. It also hears appeals against judgments of the administrative courts of Logroño, as well as questions of competence that may arise among these courts.  

Labour Court

The labour court is responsible for resolving conflicts between employees and companies. It hears additional appeals against judgments pronounced by the labour courts of Logroño. It also decides questions of competence that arise among the courts. This body does not settle single proceeding matters, as La Rioja is a uniprovincial region.

Government Court

The president of the High Court of La Rioja presides over the Sala de Gobierno (government court) and is the casting vote in case of a tie. In addition to the ex officio members, the government court consists of four other magistrates elected democratically by judges and magistrates of the autonomous community every five years.

The government court has jurisdictional authority for adjudicating matters concerning organization of courts and tribunals. It has disciplinary powers and prepares reports on questions of governance. It also has the authority to propose inspections. 

C/Víctor Pradera, 2. Logroño