The Plenary Session

Mesa Pleno

It is composed of all the member of the General Council of the Judiciary.

Ordinary Plenary Sessions shall be held once per month and shall be convened by the President. Extraordinary Plenary Sessions may be held if the President considers it appropriate, or at the behest of five members, pursuant to exercising any of the competences specified in the article above. Likewise, an Extraordinary Plenary Session must be held if it is necessary in order to ensure timely compliance with any of the competences assigned to same.

For the Plenary Session in which the President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary is to be elected, a minimum of 12 members must be present in order for it to be considered quorate. Under other circumstances, a minimum of 10 members and the President must be present in order for the Plenary Session to be considered quorate (Article 600 of the Organic Act on the Judiciary)

Its functions are set out in article 599 of the Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial (Organic Law of the Judiciary). It shall oversee the following matters exclusively:

  1. The proposal for the appointment, by a three-fifths majority, of the two Constitutional court judges whose appointment corresponds to the General Council of the Judiciary. The appointment shall be made within a maximum period of three months from the day following the expiration of the previous term of office (period introduced by Organic Law 8/2022, of 27th July, amending Articles 570 bis and 599 of Organic Law 6/1985, of 1st July 1985, of the Judiciary).
  2. The proposal for the appointment, under the terms provided for in this Organic Law, of the President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary, and the issue of the prior report on the appointment by the Attorney-General.
  3. The appointment, under the terms provided for in this Organic Law, of the Vice President of the Supreme Court, the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General of the General Council of the Judiciary.
  4. All appointments or proposed appointments and promotions involving any margin of discretion or merit assessment.
  5. Allegations of conflict of powers between constitutional organs of the State.
  6. Designation of members for different committees.
  7. Exercise of regulatory powers under the terms of this Law.
  8. Approval of the Budget of the General Council of the Judiciary and review of accounts of its execution.
  9. Approval of the Annual Report.
  10. The resolution of disciplinary proceedings in which the proposed penalty consists of dismissal from the judicial career.
  11. The resolution of appeals filed against disciplinary decisions by the Disciplinary Commission.
  12. Approval of reports on draft bills or general provisions submitted for its opinion by the Government or the Legislative Chambers.

Legal Arrangements Applicable to the Acting General Council of the Judiciary

When the General Council of the Judiciary has not been renewed before its legally-established end date, it shall become an acting body. Its activity shall then be limited to the duties established in article 570 bis of the Organic Law of the Judiciary, introduced by Organic Law 4/2021, of 29th March, amending Organic Law 6/1985, of 1st July 1985, on the Judiciary, to establish the legal arrangements applicable to the acting General Council of the Judiciary

  1. To propose the appointment of two Constitutional Court Judges, under the terms set forth in article 599.1.1 (function introduced by Organic Law 8/2022, of 27th July, amending articles 570 bis and 599 of Organic Law 6/1985, of 1st July 1985, of the Judiciary).
  2. To be listened to by the Government before appointing the Attorney General.
  3. To participate, in the terms legally provided for, in the selection of Judges and Magistrates.
  4. Resolve, as appropriate, in matters of initial and continuing training, assignment of postings, regulated promotions, administrative situations and disciplinary regime of Judges and Magistrates.
  5. To oversee the courts and supervise and coordinate routine inspections by presidents and Chambers of Government of the courts.
  6. Manage the official publication of judgements and other resolutions of the Supreme Court and other judicial bodies.
  7. Ensure the operation and updating of training programmes at the Judicial College.
  8. Exercise regulatory authority in the following matters:

    a) Publicly announcing judicial proceedings.
    b) Publication and reuse of court decisions.
    c) Assigning days and times and scheduling public hearings.
    d) Establishing judicial bodies in places other than its headquarters.
    e) System of court security guards.
    f) Organising and managing actions by Spanish judicial bodies in internal and international jurisdictional cooperation matters.
    g) Accessory conditions for exercising the rights and duties included in the Judges and Magistrates statute and the judicial associations' legal regime. Such regulatory implementation shall in no way imply any innovation or alteration of the legal regulation.
  9. Approve the catalogue of posts for its civil service personnel.
  10. Collaborate with the Supervisory Authority on data protection in the field of the Administration of Justice.
  11. Receive complaints from citizens about matters related to the Administration of Justice.
  12. Prepare and execute its budget under the terms provided for in this Organic Law.
  13. Propose, justifying the necessity, any measures required to strengthen specific judicial bodies.
  14. Issue reports on asset responsibility cases concerning any abnormal operation of the Administration of Justice.
  15. Compile and update the Principles of Judicial Ethics. Spread awareness about them and promote them to other judicial bodies and organisations in Spain and overseas.
  16. Prepare reports on draft laws and general provisions that correspond to it under Article 561.