
The President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary possesses overall judicial authority for the Nation and holds the representation of the Judiciary and the governing body thereof, with the inherent treatment and honours of such position corresponding to said party (Article 585 of the Spanish Organic Law on the Judiciary).

The current President of the Supreme Court is the Honourable Mr Francisco Marín Castán, (e.f.).


Article 586 of the Organic Law on the Judiciary states:

1. To be elected as President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary, it will be necessary to be a member of the judicial hierarchy with the category of magistrate of the Supreme Court (Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo) and meet the conditions required to be chamber president thereof, or be a lawyer of recognised competence with more than twenty-five years' experience in the profession.

2. In the constitutive sitting of the General Council of the Judiciary, which will be chaired by the oldest Chair, the various candidacies must be presented and made public, without each Chair being able to propose more than one name.

3. The election will take place in a meeting to be held between three and seven days later, with the party elected being the person who obtains the support of a majority of three fifths of the members in the roll-call vote of the Plenary Session.

4. The President of the Supreme Court will be appointed by the King by Royal Decree endorsed by the Prime Minister.

5. The President of the Supreme Court will take an oath or make a promise before the King and will take up office before the Plenary Session of said High Court.

Durée du mandat

La durée du mandat du président de la Cour Suprême et du Conseil Général du Pouvoir Judiciaire coïncidera avec celle du Conseil qui l'a élu. Le président pourra être élu et nommé, une seule fois, pour un nouveau mandat (article 587 de la LOPJ).

Situation administrative

S'il appartient à la carrière judiciaire, le Président de la Cour Suprême et du Conseil Général du Pouvoir Judiciaire sera en situation administrative de services spéciaux. S'il n'appartient pas à la carrière judiciaire, sa situation administrative sera, le cas échéant, celle qui correspond à son corps d'origine (article 593 de la LOPJ).


Ses fonctions au sein de la Cour Suprême, en marge de celles qui lui sont confiées en tant que président du Conseil Général du Pouvoir Judiciaire sont définies à l'article 160 de la Loi Organique sur le Pouvoir Judiciaire comme étant les fonctions propres aux présidents et sont les suivantes:

1. To convene, preside over and lead the deliberations of the Governing Chamber.

2. To set the Agenda for the meetings of the Governing Chamber, which shall include the matters proposed by at least two of its members.

3. To submit as many proposals as he/she deems appropriate on issues for which the Governing Chamber is competent.

4. To authorise with his/her signature the agreements made by the Governing Chamber and ensure compliance with them.

5. To ensure compliance and fulfilment of the measures adopted by the Governing Chamber to correct the defects that exist in the administration of justice, if they are within his/her powers, and, if otherwise, to propose to the Council, in accordance with the Chamber, whatever he/she considers appropriate.

6. To issue the reports requested by the General Council of Judicial Power.

7. To take the necessary steps, when urgent situations arise that require them, and report them to the first meeting of the Governing Chamber.

8. To direct the inspection of the Courts and Tribunals in the terms established by this Act.

9. To determine the allocation of cases between the Chambers of the Court of the same jurisdiction and among these Sections pursuant to the regulations passed by the Governing Chamber.

10. To preside over the meeting of Chairmen of Chambers and Magistrates on a daily basis and to look after the composition of the Chambers and Sections pursuant to Article 19 of this Act.

11. To exercise all powers aimed at establishing the proper functioning of the respective Court or Tribunal, as well as the performance of their duties by these bodies’ staff members.

12. To notify the General Council of judicial vacancies and vacancies of auxiliary staff of each respective Court or Tribunal.

13. To hear claims made by the interested parties in litigation cases, adopting the necessary precautions.

14. Any other functions covered by the Act”

The President of the Supreme Court and of the General Council of the Judiciary will be assisted by a Director of the Presidential Office, who may be freely appointed and dismissed by the President (art. 594 Organic Law on the Judiciary).