Judiciary publications

The CGPJ draws up and disseminates legal publications as part of its professional training duties and with the aim of affording transparency to the institution's activities. Thus, on the one hand we find the Collections deriving from the teaching activities of the CGPJ and on the other, the Journal of the Judiciary.

The Journal of the Judiciary is published on a quarterly basis and includes academic studies, jurisprudential comments and bibliographical and jurisprudential information.

The Collections deriving from the teaching activity of the CGPJ are as follows:

  • Seminar Conclusions: these publications take in the addresses and/or the conclusions afforded in the monographic seminars organised for the analysis and discussion of legal questions. (The collection, commenced in 2008, takes in publications in digital format exclusively).
  • Judicial Law Notebooks, Judicial Law Studies and Continuous Training Manuals: these three collections are formed by paper-based publications up to 2009, the year in which they were merged into a single collection, “Digital Training Notebooks”, which take in the three modes of teaching activity afforded by the Continuous Training Service.

The Documentary Collection publications search engine affords access to the full text of the Journal of the Judiciary from the 5th period onwards,  and to the reference information of  the collections deriving from the teaching activity.


Colecciones Doctrinales del CGPJ