
From the outset, the governing body of the Justice and Disability Forum has sought to honour the people and institutions that stand out for their work in this area, both in recognition of their efforts and as a means of raising society’s awareness by publicising their exemplary conduct. Awards are given in four categories:

  • Personal endeavour: In recognition of the work developed by a physical person over time in defence of the rights of persons with disabilities. The candidate’s legal background will take precedence.
  • Company action: In recognition of the contribution made by a particular company to the integration of persons with disabilities in the workplace.
  • Social media: In recognition of the handling of information concerning the collective of persons with disabilities by a particular social media or media professional.
  • Institution: In recognition of the work developed by an institution or body in defence of the rights of persons with disabilities, or in favour of their social integration.

Over the years the following awards have been made:

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