Special chamber for article 61

The Special Chamber shall hear (Article 61 LOPJ):


1st Appeals for review against the sentences handed down in a single proceeding by the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of said Court.

2nd Incidents of challenges against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or the Chairmen of the Chambers, or more than two Judges of a particular Chamber.

In this case, those directly affected by the challenges shall be replaced by the appropriate individuals.

3rd Civil liability claims directed against the Chairmen of the Chambers or against all or most of the Judges of a Chamber in said Court for acts performed in the exercise of their offices.

4th Investigation and prosecution of causes directed against the Chairmen of the Chamber or against the Judges in a Chamber, when all or most of the Judges constituting the Chamber are tried.

5th Hearings of claims to declare judicial error when it is imputed to a Chamber of the Supreme Court.

6th The process of declaration of illegality and consequent dissolution of political parties, pursuant to the provisions of Organic Law 6/2002 of 27 June, on Political Parties.

In the causes referred to in the 4th section of the preceding paragraph, an investigator shall be appointed from among the members of the Chamber, in accordance with an established rotation schedule, who shall not form part of the Chamber, in order to prosecute them.”

One section, consisting of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Head of the Chamber of Contentious-Administrative Litigation and five Judges from that Chamber, who shall be the two most senior and three most junior of them, shall hear the appeal for the unification of doctrine when a conflict occurs between judgements rendered in a single proceeding by different Sections of said Chamber.